Friday, August 26, 2011

You're Welcome, Hollywood: 5 Movie Mashups That Need To Happen Immediately

I've been obsessing over mashups ever since Glee started popping them out like the Octomom. I love the idea of fusing two amazing things together to create the Perfect Storm of Awesomeness. It's that kind of innovative thinking that led to the Lasagna Sandwich (exactly what it sounds like), Halloween Trail Mix (Reese's Pieces and Candy corn combined), and Captain Planet (not my idea).

Hollywood's been a bit behind on the technology, so I'm going to do them a solid and give away some must-see movie mashups. Feel free to cherry pick. Just invite me to the premiere!

5. The Rocky Balboa 
  Horror Picture Show
During a spontaneous weekend getaway, TripAdvisor leads Rocky, Pauly and Adrian to an out-of-the-way B&B. Unknowingly given LSD by the owner/operator, Rocky faces his toughest test since the beach scene in Rocky III when Adrian reveals to him a dark secret: Adrian used to be a man's name. But, is it all a dream? To escape this psychotic vacation spot he must fight the owner to the death. The owner's name? Sylvester Stallone. Weird, right?!  


4. Phantom of the Opera 2: 
     High School Musical 4
Deep in the underbowels (Boiler Room) of conveniently named Harmony High lurks an outcast freshman sporting an awe-inspiring voice and an equally jarring pimple on his forehead. Otherwise strikingly handsome, he haunts the choir room, teaches a girl to sing, and eventually goes to Junior College.

3. Fast 2 The Future
Brian and Dom are working undercover as car thieves for whatever reason when they stumble upon Doc Brown's Delaurean hidden in a warehouse. Accidentally traveling back to the early 80s, they decide to change the course of their own history by stopping Terreto's Dad from becoming a race car driver. Instead, they convince him to open a neighborhood pizza parlor, but when the mafia steals the Delaurean they must choose between their future and a slightly profitable pizza place.

2. Point Break: Airborne 
        "Skate Or Die!"
Johnny Utah, retired FBI Agent, loves his life as an NFL Analyst. But when he offends the wrong crowd with an derogatory Heelys joke, a gang of unruly skater-types takes his dog, Bohdi, hostage. The FBI won't help; the police are on the take. Johnny has no choice but to go back undercover, this time as a rollerblader, to rescue Bohdi from the hands of some pretty angsty teenagers. But when he falls in love with the devil-may-care lady leader of the pack, he must make the life-or-death choice between skating and surfing.

1. Kindergarten Robocop
Aging officer John Kimble can't accept the fact that he's getting old. Desperate to reclaim his youth, he enlists in a top-secret police experiment to build a new race of super cops--by creating androids! Kimble becomes the first cybernetic organism on the force, and he's better than ever. There's just one problem: he has forgotten how to feel. Facing permanent shutdown by the Chief of Police, Kimble turns to his last hope: a classroom of kindergartners. Once upon a time, children melted his heart --can they do it again, before it is melted down?


1 comment:

  1. Finally someone else has seen airborne and at least somewhat appreciates it. Very creative. I agree with number 1. Hahah....skate or die...
