Thursday, September 1, 2011

Our 'Idiot' Brother: How "The Idiot" Should Have Ended

Reason #1 that I love my IPhone: it stops me from looking stupid in front of other people. Walking out of the movie theatre after thoroughly enjoying Our Idiot Brother, I was having a hard time trying to talk intelligently about the movie because I couldn't remember the name of Paul Rudd's character. You know, the one the movie revolves around. He's kind of a big deal.

Turns out, his name's Ned. You could have given me a thousand guesses, and it wouldn't have been enough. And this was in a movie I LIKED! Rudd rocked it, fun story, great acting all around. And I forgot his flipping name. Who does that?!

So thanks to IMDB and my AT&T data package, I can sneak my IPhone out in the car and find out who Rudd played before I have to say something like, "Yeah I LOVED when, uh, what's that guy's name again?" and I've intellectually soiled myself.

I'm a forgetful person in general: this morning I forgot my wallet at home, even though I distinctly remember patting my butt twice to make sure I had it. Apparently I'm just fondling my own rear for fun now. I think I know why I forgot Ned's name, though--I was distracted. Watching Our Idiot Brother was like randomly bumping into an old friend.** A friend whose name I definitely remember: Prince Mishkin. He's the protagonist in Dostoyevsky's The Idiot, and the more I watched Ned on screen, the more I was reminded of the Prince. I couldn't get the comparison out of my head--and I'm pretty sure that was the intention.